Key features:
• Enjoy all three installments of Hitman in one package.
• Experience a thrilling freelancer mode.
• Outwit complex AI behavior.
• Create and complete custom contracts.
• Utilize new movement abilities.
Trilogy of Hitman franchise
Hitman World of Assassination is a complete spy-thriller experience for gamers. Players step into the shoes of Agent 47, the world's most feared assassin, and embark on a journey across 20 unique and challenging locations. From the sun-drenched streets of Miami to the frozen landscapes of the Arctic, each level presents new opportunities and obstacles to test your skills as an assassin.
The trilogy features three games - HITMAN, HITMAN 2, and HITMAN 3 - and includes the Game of the Year Access Pass for HITMAN and the Standard Access Pass for HITMAN 2.
Experience the true stealth game
Hitman games are known for their intricate and engaging gameplay mechanics. Players take on the role of a genetically engineered assassin with the mission to eliminate strategic targets. In each mission, players must use stealth tactics, such as blending in with crowds or using disguises, to remain undetected while they carry out their objectives. Hitman also features an AI-driven adaptive system that allows enemies to react differently depending on how often certain strategies are used against them, creating a dynamic and challenging experience every time you play.
The Hitman video games are recognized for their captivating and complex game mechanics. Players embody a genetically engineered assassin tasked with eliminating specific goals. Each mission requires the use of stealthy techniques, such as disguising oneself or blending into crowds, in order to complete the objectives while staying undetected. The AI-driven system in Hitman adapts to the frequency of certain strategies utilized against enemies, producing a dynamic and challenging gameplay experience.
Assassination is a creative art
In the Hitman World of Assassination, prove yourself as the legendary agent 47 by completing missions from three different games with randomized objectives. The freelancer mode allows you to select any mission with the gear of your choice and choose which targets to tackle next. Utilize an extensive collection of weapons, disguise tactics, and strategic thinking to successfully complete your missions.
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ملحوظة: بسبب القيود الفنية، قد تكون بعض ألعاب Steam غير متاحة للمشاركة. على سبيل المثال، لا يمكن مشاركة العناوين التي تتطلب مفتاحًا أو حسابًا أو اشتراكًا إضافيًا لجهة خارجية من أجل اللعب بين الحسابات.
لقد أصبحت الآن لديك ملكية هذا الحساب بنسبة 100%، فلا تتردد في تغيير جميع التفاصيل الشخصية في هذا الحساب. يمكننا إضافة المزيد من الألعاب إلى حسابك بأسعار رخيصة في المستقبل. فقط أخبرنا عن لعبة Steam التي ترغب في شرائها وسنقدم لك عرضًا مخصصًا.
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