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Trustpilot 4.5 rating logo

نيفا بلاي ستيشن 5 يو إس

Neva PS5 US
  • platform بلايستيشن 5 بلاي ستيشن 5
  • region الولايات المتحدة
  • 16 Oct 2024
  • متوفر/ة

$19.99 $18.99

نيفا بلاي ستيشن 5 يو إس

  • المنصة platform بلايستيشن 5 بلاي ستيشن 5
  • المنطقة region الولايات المتحدة
  • تاريخ الإصدار 16 Oct 2024
  • التوفر متوفر/ة
ملحوظة مهمة:

Please Note - You will be sent gift cards equal to or above the market value of this product to add to your wallet on the PlayStation Store.

Just Redeem the codes and purchase 'Neva PS5 US' directly from the PlayStation store.

    Neva هي مغامرة مليئة بالإثارة العاطفية من الفريق صاحب الرؤية وراء GRIS الذي نال استحسان النقاد.

    تروي نيفا قصة ألبا، وهي امرأة شابة مرتبطة بشبل ذئب فضولي بعد مواجهة مؤلمة مع قوى الظلام. يشرعون معًا في رحلة محفوفة بالمخاطر عبر عالم كان جميلًا في يوم من الأيام حيث يتحلل ببطء من حولهم


    بمرور الوقت، ستتطور علاقتهم عندما يتعلمون العمل معًا، ويساعدون بعضهم البعض في مواجهة المواقف المتزايدة الخطورة. سوف ينمو الذئب من شبل متمرد إلى شخص بالغ مهيب يسعى إلى صياغة هويته الخاصة، واختبار حب ألبا والتزامهما تجاه بعضهما البعض.

    بينما يهدد العالم الملعون بإرباكهم، ستفعل ألبا ورفيقتها الشجاعة كل ما يلزم للبقاء على قيد الحياة وبناء منزل جديد معًا.

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  • Trustpilot 4 rating logo منذ يومين

    by Kareem

    As advertised

    As advertised! Works and the support team actually tries to help you.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 3 أيام

    by Ronald Powalisz

    vendor makes software affordable

    This vendor makes mainstream software affordable. They also have great support if there are issues with the purchase.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 3 أيام

    by Christian

    Ordered Office key for the 3rd time

    Ordered Office key for the 3rd time. Worked as fine as previous times. Fast delivery, received it by email few minutes later.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 3 أيام

    by Poul Viggo Antvorskov


    Perfect - again

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 3 أيام

    by Dunia

    My First Choice

    Every software I bought from Electronic First is excellent. Electronic First is always my choice to buy computer software.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 3 أيام

    by Don

    Great support! Quick response and resolution.

    Online support was quick and great! They issued new keys which worked just fine. Thank you ElectronicFirst!

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 3 أيام

    by Edward Hodge

    Windows 10 upgrade

    I had some trouble with downloading and matching a key. After some consultation, the problem was solved. The team at electronic first were very helpful, and I recommend them.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 3 أيام

    by BobJ

    Easy, fast and cheap.

    Easy checkout, great price and windows key was delivered in just a couple of minutes. Activated perfectly. Great experience.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 4 أيام

    by Roberto

    Satisfied First Time Customer

    I was skeptical at first because the prices were too good to be true. I purchased a product key and received it within five minutes of my purchase and was able to successfully use it.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 4 أيام

    by Mel Stead

    Worked great first time around

    Worked great first time around. But then if they don't, they always work things out. A company that can be trusted.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 4 أيام

    by Tony

    Phenomenal company

    Phenomenal company, with quick product delivery and great prices ! Done buisness with them multiple times and recommend highly!

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo منذ 5 أيام

    by Lance Bedford

    Just bought MS Word from these folks

    Just bought MS Word from these folks. Great price, fast download delivery. All went perfectly. Great company.

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