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How to perform Clean Installation on Windows 7 and 8.1 Pro?

تم التعديل في: 25 يناير 2024

For Windows 7 Clean Installation, please refer to these resources below on how to perform Windows 7 Clean Installation. 

To download the Windows 7 Professional ISO file, go here.


For Windows 8.1 Clean Installation, please refer to these resources below on how to perform Windows 7 Clean Installation. 

To download the Windows 8 Professional ISO file, go here.



  1. If you have upgraded from a Windows 7 or 8.1 OS to Windows 10, but your original OS in your computer is either a Windows 7 or 8.1. The system will roll back to the original OS
  2. If you want to roll back your system to the previous OS, 31 days after installing Windows 10 you will not be able to perform the rollback.
  3. If you perform a Clean install while loading Windows 10, the option to roll back will not be possible. 
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