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Call Of Duty Vanguard Xbox One/Xbox-Serie X|S (AR)
Schneller Mover 93+ Verkauft
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For years,
the world has endured the largest and deadliest war ever seen, but the tides of
World War II are finally turning.
Now a select few must rise to finish the job and change the landscape of the
war for good.
The critically-acclaimed Call of Duty® franchise returns with Call of Duty®:
Vanguard, in which players will experience global combat through the eyes of
heroes of World War II and the fateful events that brought them together.
Developed by Sledgehammer Games, Vanguard is a deeply engaging narrative,
featuring a select group of soldiers from different countries and backgrounds
who rise together to meet the world’s gravest threat, change the fortunes of
the war, and set the table for what we know today as special forces combat.
This is their story. This is Call of Duty: Vanguard.
Through the remarkable journey of these steeled soldiers, players will
experience influential battles of World War II as they fight for victory across
multiple theaters of war – the Eastern and Western Fronts of Europe, the
Pacific, and North Africa. Whether dogfighting over the Midway Islands,
defending Stalingrad with a sniper’s precision, airdropping over France, or
blasting through advancing forces in North Africa, the Call of Duty: Vanguard
campaign will immerse players in a deeply engaging and gripping
character-driven narrative experience featuring combat on an unparalleled
global scale, while also telling the harrowing stories of those who turned the
tides of war and changed history forever.
In addition to the campaign, the relentless adversity of global warfare pushes
the action forward even more in an epic package of content, including the
game’s thrilling multiplayer and cooperative modes. Players will become the
vanguards of the changing face of war as they make their mark across Call of
Duty’s signature core gunplay and multiplayer experience. Players will also be
able to prove their mettle as they try to survive the relentless onslaught of
the undead in a chilling new Zombies experience, developed by Treyarch Studios.
Call of Duty: Vanguard will also usher in a new and unparalleled Call of Duty®:
Warzone™ integration post launch, and feature cross-play, cross-progression,
cross-generation play, in addition to a massive calendar of free post-launch
content that adds in new multiplayer maps, modes, seasonal events, community
celebrations and more.
History was written in these fronts. It was won with these tactics. It was
preserved by these heroes. It’s time to experience the terrors and triumphs
through their eyes and rise to the greatest challenge the world has ever known.
It’s time to rise on every front.
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