
IKEA Slovakia Gift Card €50

IKEA Slovakia Gift Card €50
  • platform IKEA
  • region Slovakia
  • Out Of Stock

$61.99 $58.60

IKEA Slovakia Gift Card €50

  • Platform platform IKEA
  • Region region Slovakia
  • Availability Out Of Stock
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    Darčeková karta IKEA sa ľahko dáva a veľmi ľahko používa, ponúka možnosť vybrať si z tisícov nápadov v obchode.

    The IKEA Gift Card is easy to give and very easy to use, offering the option to choose between thousands of ideas at the store.


    Darčekové karty je možné teraz používať v obchode aj online.

    Na jednu objednávku je možné použiť viac darčekových kariet.

    Darčeková karta IKEA môže byť použitá na úplné alebo čiastočné zaplatenie vo všetkých obchodoch IKEA (IBA V OBCHODE).

    Darčekové karty IKEA by mali byť používané spolu s ich PIN kódom.

    Pre skontrolovanie kreditu akejkoľvek Darčekovej karty IKEA, navštívte alebo zavolajte akúkoľvek pobočku IKEA na SLOVENSKU.

    Z Darčekových kariet IKEA nie je možné vydávať peniaze.

    Darčekové karty IKEA nemôžu byť vrátené ani preplatené, okrem prípadov v súlade s vašimi zákonnými právami. Kredit nemôže byť premenený na finančnú hotovosť.

    Darčekové karty IKEA majú 12 mesačnnú expiračnú dobu.

    Darčekové karty IKEA nie je limit, koľko krát môže byť použitá.

    Ak nájdete alebo je vám Darčeková karta IKEA poslaná omylom, prosím vráťte ju v najbližšom obchode IKEA.

    IKEA nemôže nahradiť Darčekovú kartu IKEA v prípade straty alebo krádeže.

    Kredit na Darčekových kartách IKEA nemôže byť použitý ako platba kartou alebo ako platba na IKEA Business účte.

    Darčekové karty IKEA zostávajú majetkom spoločnosti IKEA a teda sa nimi nesmie manipulovať alebo ich inak alterovať bez súhlasu spoločnosti IKEA.

    Darčekové karty IKEA nemôžu byť použité na platbu v reštauráciach IKEA, Swedish food market, IKEA café alebo Bistro. Darčekové karty IKEA taktiež nemôžu byť použité na výberový servis, plánovací servis, inštalačný servis, montážny servis, servis doručenia domov a servis Rent-A-Van.

    Kredit na Darčekovej karte IKEA nemôže byť použitý na platbu na IKANO kreditnú kartu ani akúkoľvek inú kreditnú kartu.


    Gift Cards can now be used both in-store and online.

    Multiple Gift Cards can be used per one order.

    IKEA Gift card(s) should be used in conjunction with the PIN code provided.

    To check the balance of any IKEA Gift Card(s), visit or call any IKEA store in SLOVAKIA.

    No cash change will be given on purchases made using IKEA Gift Card.

    IKEA Gift Card(s) cannot be returned or refunded, except in accordance with your legal rights. The balance cannot be converted into cash.

    There are no limitations on how many times a card(s) can be used.

    If IKEA Gift card(s) are found or sent by mistake, please return to the nearest IKEA store.

    IKEA is unable to replace IKEA gift card(s) if lost or stolen.

    The value on the card(s) cannot be used to pay credit card or IKEA Business account balances.

    The card(s) remain the property of IKEA, and may not be tampered or interfered with, without IKEA consent.

    IKEA Gift card(s) cannot be used towards purchases in the IKEA Restaurant, Swedish Food Market, IKEA Cafe or Bistro. The IKEA Gift card also cannot be used for our picking service, planning service, installation service, assembly service, home delivery service and Rent-A-Van service.

    Amount on the card cannot be used for payment on IKANO credit card or any other credit card.


    Darčekovú kartu je možné použiť na nákup v ktoromkoľvek obchode IKEA na Slovensku alebo online.

    The Gift Card can be spent for purchases at any IKEA store in Slovakia or online.

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  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 1 day ago

    by Barry Laflower

    great service

    u guys are the best no scmm like other people true blue all the way

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 1 day ago

    by John

    Quick and easy process

    Quick and easy process. Instant delivery, good price good experience from start to finish. Will use them again.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 1 day ago

    by Freddy Cofield

    Just awesomeness...

    Just happened to see your ad and in 15 minutes I had received my order at half the cost of your competitor. I appreciate great service and the follow-up. Thanks alot.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 1 day ago


    Great Product Great service

    Great Customer Service, Very Helpful, 1st Class

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 1 day ago

    by PAUL

    The Customer Service is exceptional

    The Customer Service is exceptional, understanding and professional. A great company to do business with.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 2 days ago

    by David

    Returned customer

    Returned customer. Good price for the product. Easy transaction.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 2 days ago

    by Lauren L

    Quick and easy

    Great price and quick code delivery. I was able to add the codes and claim my membership in minutes.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 2 days ago

    by BobJ

    Easy, fast and cheap.

    Easy checkout, great price and windows key was delivered in just a couple of minutes. Activated perfectly. Great experience.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 2 days ago

    by Mel Stead

    Worked great first time around

    Worked great first time around. But then if they don't, they always work things out. A company that can be trusted.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3 days ago

    by Christian

    Ordered Office key for the 3rd time

    Ordered Office key for the 3rd time. Worked as fine as previous times. Fast delivery, received it by email few minutes later.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3 days ago

    by Nang Thang Thangpi

    Works fine

    Saw it, like it, bought it. Worked fine.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3 days ago

    by Lance Bedford

    Just bought MS Word from these folks

    Just bought MS Word from these folks. Great price, fast download delivery. All went perfectly. Great company.



based on




Trustpilot 4.5 rating logo

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