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$49.99 $48.89
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Xbox Series X|S CD Key (US)
More than just a remaster, this Deluxe Remaster is a full graphical overhaul of the first game in zombie-slaughtering action game series "Dead Rising."
This remaster has also been fully voiced, supports auto-saves, and has various other quality-of-life features.
Witness the unmatched mayhem and freedom for yourself!
One day, the peaceful town of Willamette, Colorado, found itself put under quarantine by the U.S. army.
Frank West, a freelance journalist, smells a scoop and finds his way into the only shopping mall in town.
Unfortunately, the mall had turned into a living hell, crawling with countless zombies.
Help will arrive in 72 hours, so it's up to him to find out the truth behind this incident before it's too late!
All of the graphics, including the characters and environments, have been renewed, and greatly improved over the original.
Character's facial expressions, material textures, and blood spatter all look much more realistic.
Overwhelming hordes of zombies fill the screen with completely remade graphics!
The gameplay of the original remains intact, but there are various quality-of-life improvements, such as auto-saving, revamped controls, improved UI, and many other details.
The game is now also fully voiced for improved immersion.
The game takes place in a giant shopping mall.
Use regular weapons like guns and baseball bats, or use daily household objects. Anything goes when it comes to survival!
Rescue other survivors, and try out some new clothes while you're at it.
Just remember that under these extreme circumstances, it's not just zombies, but psychopaths you'll have to deal with as well. Who poses the biggest threat, zombies or humans!?
*This content is also included in a separately sold pack.
Please be careful not to buy the same content twice.
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