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Windows Activation Error 0xC004F210, 0xC004E016, 0xC004F00F

Modificato il: 1 marzo 2024

Windows Activation Error 0xC004F210

You might see this error if you entered a product key for a different edition of Windows than the edition installed on your device. You might also see this error if you previously upgraded to Windows 10, but the current edition of Windows installed on your device doesn't match the edition of your digital license.

You can either enter a valid product key that matches the edition of Windows installed on your device or reinstall the edition of Windows 10 that matches your digital license.


However, if the above solution does not work or you do not wish to do the solution above, please contact our Customer Support Team via Support Tickets on your EF Dashboard so we can check if you are eligible for a refund or replacement. 

To assist you better, please include the details below:

1. Order / Transaction ID

2. Screenshot of the pop-up/error message 

3. Additional information (if any)

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