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防暴Access 5美元

Riot Access $5 US
  • platform 暴动
  • region 我们
  • 有现货

$7.99 $5.49

防暴Access 5美元

  • 平台 platform 暴动
  • 区域 region 我们
  • 可用性 有现货

Works for US servers only.

    Riot Access Code 是一种数字代码,可以兑换 Riot 积分,可用于某些 Riots 游戏,例如英雄联盟(LOL)!在 Riot 的游戏中,玩家在快节奏的战略战场上与全球数百万人竞争。玩家可以通过使用防暴点数购买虚拟物品来增强游戏体验。

    防暴点数在 Valorant 上有效吗?

    英雄联盟不是唯一可以使用 Riot Points 的游戏。Valorant是由Riot Games制作的一款著名的FPS类型游戏,该游戏的游戏内货币被称为Valorant Point(VP)。所以是的,在 Valorant 中,防暴点数会转换为 Valorant 积分,这是一种高级的 Valorant 货币,可以购买游戏中的好东西和 Radianite 积分。预付英雄联盟礼品卡可以激活并应用于此游戏。

    实际上,英雄联盟RP是为Valorant账户充值资金的一种更便宜的替代方案。游戏内社区日益壮大,这要归因于手头的出色游戏玩法,其次是令人惊叹的动画和引人入胜的多维角色。而便宜的 Valorant 积分只会为保证的娱乐等级增加价值

    Riot Access 代码可以用来做什么?

    与大多数游戏内货币一样,通过Riot Access代码兑换的Riot Points可用于购买游戏内内容,以增强您的游戏体验并帮助打造个人风格!当然,你可以投资服务器和名称切换工具、额外的符文页面、等级提升、神秘宝箱和钥匙,以及许多其他游戏内好东西。例如,英雄联盟不出售强力物品——一件好的装饰品可以作为你可能想要的最棒的游戏增强功能之一。在 Valorant 中,使用 Valorant 货币,你可以解锁每个额外的关卡,包括新的视觉效果、音频、动画、独特的终结者变体,当然还有武器皮肤等自定义设置

    LoL 礼品卡的价值是多少?


    iot Games礼品卡包含的RP数量各不相同,因此,英雄联盟的RP价格也有所不同。礼品卡在用作支付方式方面也很有价值——人们不必使用银行卡或信用卡向他们的 Valorant 或 LoL 账户添加游戏内货币。反过来,这可以节省时间、精力,最重要的是节省金钱。在Eneba,我们经常为Riot Games礼品卡代码提供折扣和超值优惠,随时欢迎您从中受益。请记住,Valorant卡仅限于特定的区域/服务器,只能在所述区域激活

    哪里可以买到便宜的 5 美元的 Riot Access?

    你可以在 ElectronicFirst.com 合法可信数字商店购买便宜的5美元Riot Access。

Watch and explore about 防暴Access 5美元
  • 互联网接入
  • 游戏客户账号 英雄联盟账号/Valorant 账号/Runeterra 联盟账号
  • 在 Valorant 中兑换


    登录 Valorant 游戏客户端;2.在右上角的菜单中打开游戏内商店;



    4.输入您的代码以激活积分,您可以在 EF 控制面板上找到该代码,然后前往 “我的订单” 查找您的代码。

    5。单击 “提交”。您的防暴积分已添加到您的账号中!

  • 在 Web 浏览器中兑换

    1。在您选择的浏览器上前往 Riot Code Redemption 页面

    2。输入您的代码,您可以在 EF 控制面板上找到该代码,然后前往 “我的订单” 查找您的代码。

    5。单击 “提交”。您的防暴积分已添加到您的账号中!

Ef 客户评论 写一篇评论


  • Trustpilot 4 rating logo 2天前

    by Kareem

    As advertised

    As advertised! Works and the support team actually tries to help you.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3天前

    by Ronald Powalisz

    vendor makes software affordable

    This vendor makes mainstream software affordable. They also have great support if there are issues with the purchase.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3天前

    by Christian

    Ordered Office key for the 3rd time

    Ordered Office key for the 3rd time. Worked as fine as previous times. Fast delivery, received it by email few minutes later.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3天前

    by Poul Viggo Antvorskov


    Perfect - again

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3天前

    by Dunia

    My First Choice

    Every software I bought from Electronic First is excellent. Electronic First is always my choice to buy computer software.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3天前

    by Don

    Great support! Quick response and resolution.

    Online support was quick and great! They issued new keys which worked just fine. Thank you ElectronicFirst!

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3天前

    by Edward Hodge

    Windows 10 upgrade

    I had some trouble with downloading and matching a key. After some consultation, the problem was solved. The team at electronic first were very helpful, and I recommend them.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 3天前

    by BobJ

    Easy, fast and cheap.

    Easy checkout, great price and windows key was delivered in just a couple of minutes. Activated perfectly. Great experience.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 4天前

    by Roberto

    Satisfied First Time Customer

    I was skeptical at first because the prices were too good to be true. I purchased a product key and received it within five minutes of my purchase and was able to successfully use it.

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 4天前

    by Mel Stead

    Worked great first time around

    Worked great first time around. But then if they don't, they always work things out. A company that can be trusted.

  • Trustpilot 5 rating logo 4天前

    by Tony

    Phenomenal company

    Phenomenal company, with quick product delivery and great prices ! Done buisness with them multiple times and recommend highly!

    Trustpilot 5 rating logo 5天前

    by Lance Bedford

    Just bought MS Word from these folks

    Just bought MS Word from these folks. Great price, fast download delivery. All went perfectly. Great company.

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